Monday, July 20, 2009

Babysitter's Club, 11; Kristy and the Snobs by Ana M Martin

Plot Summary: Babysitter's Club, 11; Kristy and the Snobs by Ana M Martin helps deal with indifference. Kristy’s mom marries rich man and Kristy has to get used to her new neighborhood. Kristy becomes homesick. She thinks all the girls in her new neighborhood are all snobs. Kristy misses her old neighborhood and cannot seem to fit in in her new neighborhood. Thinking that she needs to keep busy, she tires to promote her babysitting in her new neighborhood. This way, she can meet new people and maybe begin to fit in. Wrong! A girl in the neighborhood, Sharon Kilbourne, feels threatened and is jealous by Kristy’s Babysitting business and begins to make Kristy’s life miserable by playing pranks on her. At the same time, Kristy’s dog, Louie, is not doing too well. Through the novel, he seems to get worse. He has a bad fall down the stairs and after repeated interventions; the family puts him to sleep. Kristy is devastated and Sharon gives a new puppy to the family. This brings the girls together and decide to work together instead of against each other.

Impression about the book:

The story is somewhat predictable. The characters lack depth. The chapter of going through the illness of a pet and having to put it to sleep was very touching. The storyline was not impressive. The theme was neighborhood rivalry.

Reviews / Reviews Excerpts:

Young adults connect with these kinds of books because they seem to be written about their own lives. The topics are something similar to what they might be experiencing similar instances as the characters of the books. Reading this type of fiction is not always favored by adults. However, book that are appealing to young adults are serving their purpose, to get young adults to read..

Suggestions for library use:

This series is good reluctant readers or for children 9-12 years of age. The lower level reader can help students who are acquiring the English language and those who have reading difficulties. These books are easy reads and can help build fluency

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